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Chicken Hutch And Run: A Beginner'S Guide

chicken hutch and run

Keeping chickens in your backyard or garden is becoming increasingly popular, and it's easy to see why. Chickens can provide fresh eggs, are great pets, and can even help with pest control in your garden. However, to keep chickens, you need a suitable chicken hutch and run. In this beginner's guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about chicken hutches and runs.

What is a Chicken Hutch and Run?

chicken hutch and run

A chicken hutch and run is a small outdoor enclosure that provides a safe and secure space for chickens to live. The hutch is where the chickens sleep at night, while the run is the outdoor space where they can move around and exercise during the day. A good chicken hutch and run will protect your chickens from predators and the elements, while also providing them with enough space to move around and be happy.

Types of Chicken Hutches and Runs

chicken hutch and run

There are many different types of chicken hutches and runs available, and the one you choose will depend on the size of your garden or backyard, the number of chickens you want to keep, and your personal preferences. Here are some of the most common types of chicken hutches and runs:

Traditional Chicken Coop

traditional chicken coop

A traditional chicken coop is a wooden structure that provides a safe and secure space for chickens to sleep at night. It usually has a sloping roof with shingles to protect the chickens from the rain, and a door that can be closed at night to keep predators out. The coop should be big enough for the chickens to move around comfortably and have a nesting box for laying eggs.

Portable Chicken Tractor

portable chicken tractor

A portable chicken tractor is a moveable chicken hutch and run that can be easily transported around your garden or backyard. It's ideal if you want to give your chickens access to different areas of your garden or if you have limited space. The chicken tractor should be lightweight and easy to move, and it should have wheels and handles for easy transportation.

Walk-In Chicken Run

walk-in chicken run

A walk-in chicken run is a large outdoor enclosure that provides plenty of space for your chickens to move around and exercise. It usually has a wire mesh roof and sides to protect the chickens from predators, and it should be big enough for you to walk inside to clean and feed the chickens. A walk-in chicken run is ideal if you have a large garden or if you want to keep a large number of chickens.

What to Consider When Choosing a Chicken Hutch and Run

chicken hutch and run

Choosing the right chicken hutch and run is essential for the health and happiness of your chickens. Here are some things to consider when choosing a chicken hutch and run:


The size of your chicken hutch and run will depend on the number of chickens you want to keep and the space you have available in your garden or backyard. As a general rule, each chicken should have at least 4 square feet of indoor space and 10 square feet of outdoor space.


Your chicken hutch and run should provide protection from predators such as foxes, rats, and birds of prey. It should also protect your chickens from the elements, such as wind, rain, and snow. Make sure the hutch and run are made from sturdy materials that can withstand the weather and any attempts by predators to break in.


Your chicken hutch and run should be easy to clean and maintain. Look for a hutch with removable trays or a floor that can be easily hosed down. The run should also be easy to clean, with a floor that can be swept or hosed down.


Your chicken hutch and run should be easy to access for cleaning and feeding. Make sure the doors are big enough for you to get inside, and that they can be securely closed to keep predators out.

Setting Up Your Chicken Hutch and Run

chicken hutch and run

Setting up your chicken hutch and run is easy, but it's important to get it right to ensure the health and happiness of your chickens. Here's what you need to do:

Choose a Suitable Location

Choose a location in your garden or backyard that is sheltered and protected from the elements. The hutch and run should be in a sunny spot, but also have some shade for the chickens to rest in during hot weather.

Prepare the Ground

Prepare the ground by removing any rocks, sticks or debris. You may want to lay down some straw, wood chips, or sand in the run to help absorb moisture and keep the area clean.

Set Up the Hutch

Set up the hutch in the chosen location, making sure it's level and secure. Fill the nesting box with straw or shavings, and add a perch for the chickens to roost on at night.

Set Up the Run

Set up the run around the hutch, making sure it's securely attached and predator-proof. Add some perches, a dust bath, and some toys for the chickens to play with.

Add the Chickens

Add your chickens to the hutch and run, and watch as they explore their new home. Make sure they have plenty of food and water, and check on them regularly to make sure they're happy and healthy.

People Also Ask About Chicken Hutch and Run

Here are some common questions people ask about chicken hutches and runs:

1. How big should a chicken hutch and run be?

A chicken hutch should be at least 2 feet by 3 feet for each chicken, while the run should be at least 10 square feet per chicken.

2. What materials are best for a chicken hutch and run?

The best materials for a chicken hutch and run are wood, wire mesh, and metal. These materials are sturdy, durable, and can withstand the weather and any attempts by predators to break in.

3. How often do I need to clean my chicken hutch and run?

You should clean your chicken hutch and run at least once a week, or more often if necessary. Remove any droppings and replace the bedding regularly to keep the chickens healthy and happy.

4. Can I keep chickens in a small backyard?

Yes, you can keep chickens in a small backyard, as long as you have a suitable chicken hutch and run and enough space for them to move around and exercise.

5. What should I feed my chickens?

You should feed your chickens a balanced diet of chicken feed, grains, and vegetables. Make sure they have plenty of fresh water and clean their feeders and waterers regularly.

FAQ Page in Microdata

Frequently Asked Questions

How big should a chicken hutch and run be?

A chicken hutch should be at least 2 feet by 3 feet for each chicken, while the run should be at least 10 square feet per chicken.

What materials are best for a chicken hutch and run?

The best materials for a chicken hutch and run are wood, wire mesh

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